
Rolo Stuffed Snickerdoodles

rolo stuffed snickerdoodles

It is another lazy recipe day! It is super snowy out here in PA, so no great adventures today. Sad sad.
Do not fear though, domestic Alyssa is here. I baked a great recipe today featuring all of our favorites. Caramel, cinnamon, chocolate and cookies. 

Welcome in the Rolo Stuffed Snickerdoodle. 

I altered this recipe a little from my favorite, Sally's Baking Addiction. Here is the recipe. Just replace the caramel with the rolo! It is such a great combination, and this recipe (unlike other snickerdoodle recipes) keeps the cookie puffy and beautiful.

rolo stuffed snickerdoodles
rolo stuffed snickerdoodles
rolo stuffed snickerdoodles
rolo stuffed snickerdoodles
rolo stuffed snickerdoodlesrolo stuffed snickerdoodles
rolo stuffed snickerdoodles

One tip: do not be alarmed by the crumbliness of the dough. Sally does not fully explain how crumbly it is, but man is it crumbly. Really use that heat from your hands to compact it. 

 In other news, the past few days have been relaxation central. I have seen a few friends from home and spent New Years Eve with several friends from college. Biggest blessing being surrounded by them for what made an awesome evening. 

Oh yeah. Plus J is staying at my house for a few days before we head back to school. That is pretty great. We have just been snacking like champs and running random errands. So good right!

Tea Kettle
Breakfast for Pinch of Lyss
Pinch of Lyss


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