
Christmas in 8 Days

Now that I am done with finals, I finally can whole heartedly celebrate the Christmas season. Due to the way Christmas and Thanksgiving fell this year though, I essentially only get 8 days at home celebrating without the stress of school. Another factor, I am staying with my boyfriend for 4 of those days.

Its time for me to fit every ounce of the holiday season in 8 days. How do you get the most of the holiday season?

1. Wear every ugly sweater you own.

If you do not own one, what are you doing still sitting at your computer. Run to your local Goodwill and pick one up before some hipster snags one up.

2. Seek out new Christmas music. 

Trust me. I am the biggest advocate for traditional Frank Sinatra and Bing Crosby Christmas music. But there is something that truly gets you into the holiday spirit like some new Christmas music. Some of my favorites? Folk Angel, Sufjan Stevens

Folk AngelSufjan Stevens Songs for ChristmasMy Morning Jacket We Wish You a Merry Christmas

3. Only find Christmas themed pins on Pinterest

I have found so much inspiration for Christmas decorations, crafts and cookies the past few weeks on Pinterest. Do not let the opportunity pass you by while your news feed is flooded with Christmas pins. 

4. Get that Starbucks holiday drink. 

There are only here during the holidays. From the college kid whose nearest Starbucks is a 20 minute drive away, take advantage of those beautiful red cups.

Starbucks Christmas Cup

5. Drive around any nearby neighborhood to look at lights.

Some of my most memorable moments at Christmas consist of me driving by myself, Christmas music blaring and the glow of Christmas lights flooding my car. Even if you do not live in a neighborhood with light fanatics. Take a moment to just sit and stare at your Christmas tree. 

6. Choose your Christmas movies wisely. 

8 Days. That means realistically only 4-5 movies will actually be watched. My favorites? A Christmas Story, The Year without a Santa Clause, How the Grinch Stole Christmas and White Christmas.

7. Snow? Play in it.

If you have snow where you live, do not let it pass. Play in it. Build a snowman. Have a snowball fight. Do not be afraid to bring out your inner 10 year old. Snow is a beautiful thing God has given us. Embrace it. Plus its an excuse to wear my cute L.L. Bean boots. 

8. Write heartfelt letters.

Everyone, including me deals with the stress of Christmas cards.Well 9 times out of 10 I usually never get them done. So why not take the opportunity to write my closest friends and loved ones truly heartfelt letters letting them know how much they mean to me? Even if it arrives a few days late, it hopefully will make their holidays. 

Enjoy the last 8 Days of the Christmas Season!